Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Money, Money, Money!

We're beginning our math unit on money. We started reviewing coin names & what they're worth.

Each class made a video and worked together to create a representation of the amount each coin is with with our cent stamp and ten frames. It's a great way to give something as abstract as money a concrete picture! 

Enjoy the videos! We used Explain Everything to make them. 

Frog Class

Owl Class

If you haven't heard about Frogs & Owls, we simply mix up the classes for math and science. It's just nice to have a change of group for a bit in the day. Both classes do the same lessons. :) 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Elephant & Piggie Character Traits

We love Mo Willems! He's one of our favorite author/illustrators! So, his characters, Elephant & Piggie were perfect for a character study this week. They're hilarious, and we could infer so much about them as we read.

Here are the character trait maps that we made together. The students also used a thinking map and recorded their thoughts with words and pictures.

Then everyone used Word Clouds (a free app - click to download) to record even more about each character. We used Haiku Deck to put all our word clouds together. 

Get to know Elephant and Piggie! Watch our Haiku Deck!

Elephant & Piggie Character Traits - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Don't you just want to grab an Elephant and Piggie book to read now?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Henri Matisse Snails

Last week, to get our creative juices flowing on the first day back, we learned about Henri Matisse. We discovered how he "painted with scissors", cutting paper and making amazing collages. We also learned that all of his cut outs were made after he had been ill and was either bed ridden or in a wheel chair.

Here are some videos that we either watched, or saw a clip of to get us inspired.

We also viewed his work The Snail.

Here are our masterpieces!

Please visit our exhibit in the hallway outside our classroom if you can!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Goals for the New Year - Hello 2015!

This first week back has been action packed and fast paced! We're all so excited to be back, and ready to learn in 2015!

This week each student took some time to write a goal for this year. They are hanging on our classroom door, and I think they are wonderful! Everyone worked so hard to reflect and think about something positive they wanted to do this year!

Please take a moment to read your child's blog post, where they shared a picture of their goal! Remember we LOVE comments, and would love to see what you think about their goals!

I made this Symbaloo webmix, so all you need to do is click on your child's work, and you'll go right to their post. If for some reason it doesn't work, click here to visit our class blog.

Happy New Year!
: ) Mrs. Zig
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